Numerologist and author Hans Decoz

Kathy has an interesting question about hurricane names

She suggests they use a numerologist to chose those names, and I couldn't agree more.


Dear Hans,

I read your article about hurricane names.

Names hold a vibrational frequency, as the world meteorological organization seem to understand after the fact because they will drop the name if it was particularly devastating, so why not use numerology to have a little control over the outcome?

Wouldn’t it be a good idea to have the weather people name the Hurricane a name that is less disastrous to us and our experience of it…if we are manipulating nature by naming these storms anyway, then everyone supports it by calling it that name.



Hi Kathy,

That is an interesting question that opens a huge can of worms. In my article about hurricane names I suggested to look at both, the name of the next hurricane based on the list put together by the WMO, and the date that hurricane comes into existence, and to choose perhaps a different name if the numbers are particularly disharmonious. After all, why not use every bit of influence we have available to us to alleviate the danger of the next hurricane.

This, of course, begs the question to what extend the name influences the hurricane's destructive powers. A question that can never be answered since we don't have the option of experimenting. I look at it more as the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg. Did the hurricane's energies cause so much destruction because we named it badly, or did we name it badly because it was meant to do that much destruction?

In previous articles I mentioned the synchronicity and inherit orderliness that underlies all of creation, without which, there would be no predictability whatsoever, including the most basic facts like the cycles of the moon, the seasons, and so forth. It is this synchronicity, this complexity of energies and their interactions, that we try to tap into with sciences such as astrology and numerology.

Which brings me to the one thing we can definitely use to help minimize the damage from the destructive powers of anything and anyone, and that is to use numerology as a warning tool. We can certainly tell when a particular name, combined with its "birth date," is more dangerous and damaging, and use that information to prepare us for it.

In fact, this is the only true value we get from numerology and other metaphysical sciences; they offer information which we can use to prepare ourselves. Whether it is a hurricane or a human being, we can learn from the name and the date of its birth and make decisions based on that. Which also helps to remind us how ludicrously vulnerable we are.

So look around you, see the beauty and harmony that is reflected in every aspect of creation, especially where untouched by human follies, and trust that the same care and love is working for you every moment of every day, because recognizing that will do wonders to your ability to enjoy this life.

Hans Decoz



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