The meaning of the 1 - the primal force
Numerologist Hans Decoz

The 1 holds a special place in numerology.




From a spiritual perspective, the 1 is the number of creation - the primal force from which all other numbers spring forth. Some say once you truly understand the place and function of this elemental number, enlightenment will be yours.


The 1 is a doer, a powerful force that produces results.

The 1 is aggressive - a necessary trait for creating and not allowing anything to limit its potential. The 1 is the spearhead, always in the forefront directing and leading others.

The shape of this number reflects its meaning; the 1 walks upright with pride and purpose - strong, determined, and unwavering with a specific goal in mind. The 1 is capable of turning ideas into reality - pushing obstacles aside or simply drilling right through them.


The 1 tends to have a simple, straightforward view of life, heedless of its many complexities.

An individual with the dynamic 1 trusts their ability to separate right from wrong, doesn't waste time on abstract ideas, and rarely follows a path that isn’t in line with their result-oriented goal. The 1 is no preacher, no philosopher, spiritual explorer, nor dreamer - and certainly not an idealist. They are pragmatic, ruthless conquerors, and warriors extraordinaire. The 1 is individualistic and independent to a fault. They will attempt to force their viewpoint on you but have no desire to hear yours.

The 1 can be confrontational, jealous, and exceedingly stubborn, but also courageous and willing to try anything new (with promise) even at great risk. They have a sense of honor and responsibility that demands respect and are the first to defend injustice and hypocrisy.


Befriend a 1 and you have a friend for life.

Fortunately, the 1 has a great capacity for humor, often self-depreciating, so you can poke fun at your friend and not worry about hurt feelings. But don’t cater to them to win love or friendship or you will lose their respect. Stand up to a 1 and you may lose the fight, but you'll gain admiration. Working for a 1 you will be pushed to the limit, abused at all hours, and incapable of living up to unreasonable expectations. But you will also become the best you can be.

When in trouble, you want a friend with a strong 1 on your side, and you won’t find a braver partner or a more dedicated protector. But, if the 1 is your enemy, you could be crushed without mercy. And be forewarned, the 1 is the most difficult of all lovers, demanding, jealous, confrontational, and impatient.

If you have a 1 in your core numbers, your happiness and sense of satisfaction will come from your work more than any other source.


Other Numbers and their meaning:

Meaning of Number 1 Leadership, independence, individuality, determination, and ambition. Read more about the 1

Meaning of Number 2 Harmony, peace-maker, cooperation, tact, and sensitivity. Read more about the 2

Meaning of Number 3 Creativity, self-expression, optimism, light-hearted, and communication. Read more about the 3

Meaning of Number 4 racticality, stability, organization, detail-oriented, persistence, hard work. Read more about the 4

Meaning of Number 5 Freedom, adaptability, adventure, dynamic, and curiosity. Read more about the 5

Meaning of Number 6 Caring, service, responsibility, family-oriented, and nurturing. Read more about the 6

Meaning of Number 7 Introspection, spirituality, analysis, logical, and intuition. Read more about the 7

Meaning of Number 8 Power, success, material abundance, authoritive, and achievement. Read more about the 8

Meaning of Number 9 Humanitarianism, compassion, selflessness, tolerant, and universal love. Read more about the 9



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