The Decoz Chart Maker, was developed by numerologist Hans Decoz

The Decoz® Chartmaker

The most popular numerology chartmaker among professionals!

An Easy-To-Oversee Chart Designed For Professionals and Beginners.

This unique charting system was first designed and developed by Numerologist Hans Decoz in 1982. It was computerized in 1987, replaced with a C++ version in 1990. In 2016 it was added to the World Numerology app.

You can sign up and get access to our new web app (free) and use it to make three different kinds of charts: a complete chart calculator, the Decoz®Chart, and the new Proportional Chart.

The Decoz Chart may look a little intimidating, but you will get used to the layout very quicky, and it will greatly help you oversee a chart in a way no other charting method does.

Below are sections with the name and location of each number.

We will use the fictitious Anthony Joseph Mercier, born October 12, 1986, and who goes by Tony Mercier.


The top left is used for his full name at birth, the right side for his current name.

The core numbers in Tony's Decoz Color Chartmaker - Heart's Desire, Expression, and Personality


The Heart's Desire, Personality, Expression, Maturity, and Balance number are all based on the letters and their numerology values in the full name. The Minor Heart's Desire, Minor Expression, and Minor Personality are based on the current name and play a lesser, and very different role.

Whereas your full name at birth reflects who you are - think of it as your numerological DNA - the name you use to introduce yourself shows how you see yourself; who you think you are.


All numbers that are derived from your date of birth (shown in the center bar of the star - in Tony's case 10/12/1986) have to do with the "momentum" of your life; your cycles, life's path, and personal growth.

These include your Life Path (the most important number in your chart), your Pinnacle and Period cycles, your Birth Day number, Rational Thought, and Challenges.

The star shape contains all the numbers from your date of birth


The Hidden Passion and Karmic Lessons are based on the letters in your name, and is one of the most revealing aspects of your chart.

The Planes of Expression is also based on the letters in your name; the letters in the alphabet are divided in four groups: Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Intuitive. This part of the chart shows to what extent you have been given these attributes.


The Hidden Passion and Planes of Expression.


The three piewheels in the chart (only one is shown here) represent the Essence cycles and the Personal Months. The wave below it shows vertical columns stacked to include Transits, the Essence, the Period cycles, and the Pinnacle cycles, as well as the person's age, and the calendar year.

The Subconscious Self is shown inside the "arch", while the Cornerstone, Capstone, and Key make up the triangle.


The wave has all the cycles, long- and short-term


Last but not least: The Diamond Spirit reading is based on the first nine letters of your name and shows to what extent your experiences on the physical and material plane affect your spiritual growth, and vice versa. The Diamond is used by few numerologists and is thought to be an Arabian off-shoot of the Pythagorean system. Understanding your Diamond can help you overcome challenges and obstacles.

The chart shows the Diamond Spirit guide in the centert


How To Read A Numerology Chart

By now, you may have noticed that virtually every number is represented somewhere in your chart.

We need to prioritize the relative values of each number and its position in a chart - which tells you where and how that number will affect you. This is the hardest part of learning numerology and is really learned only through experience.

The Life Path, for example, carries far more weight than the Maturity and Balance numbers.

In addition, each of the core numbers (Life Path, Expression, Heart's Desire, Personality, and Birth Day number) bears special significance to our personality.

The Heart's Desire represents your inner needs and motivations - the more private you - while the Personality number reveals the public you; the face, or the mask, you show the world. It is what people recognize first when they meet you.

Your closer relationships, however, come in contact with the personal, inner you, your Heart's Desire.


The Value of Properly Decoding a Chart

One of the benefits of numerology is to differentiate and to reveal the many aspects of your personality and inner being. It shows how aspects within you influence each other.

What follows is a short explanation how to prioritize the numbers of a chart - to discern their individual importance, and to show how each aspect of the chart relates to a specific part of your being.


The Life Path number is by far the most important number in the chart. Your Life Path number represents a cycle. The longest cycle of your life, it runs from birth to death.

Perhaps the most important concept to recognize, and probably the least understood, is that all the numbers based on your date of birth reflect something about the "momentum" of your life. The flow, the current which carries you forward, the stream of life.

Therefore, every number in your chart derived from your date of birth tells something about the direction of your life, the path you walk on, and the opportunities and challenges you encounter.

Next, read the Birth Day number. In order of importance, the Birth Day number belongs in fifth or sixth place, but it is closely related to the Life Path, and should be seen in connection to it.

Follow with your name, where the Expression number, which reveals your talents, abilities, and goals, is particularly important in relation to career.

Then read the Heart's Desire, and understand it as the motivator behind virtually all of your choices, in particular those related to life style and environment. Also, look at the Minor Expression and Minor Heart's Desire as contributing influences to your overall ambitions and personality.

The Personality number completes this picture of the core numbers. Remember, while the Personality number is the last of the core numbers, it is the first impression people will get.

The Personality number is usually what gets you hired, while the Expression number is the greatest influence on how well you perform. The Heart's Desire number influences the type of conditions you like to work under; alone or with people; in a small non-profit organization, or in a big corporation; in the inner-city or in the country. The Heart's Desire also strongly influences your choice of career.

The core numbers outline the basic personality. The rest of the chart reflects a closer look at you - your many nuances, individual character traits, and strengths and weaknesses.



Some numerologists, including myself, often prefer to start a reading with the name instead of the date of birth (the core name numbers, instead of the Life Path and Birthday numbers). The reason is that the name is static - it tells us who you are, and while this part of you evolves over the course of your life, it essentially stays the same, while your birth date numbers change, and more importantly, change you, and are therefore more dynamic.



The Challenges follow, and are, in my opinion, among the most important sources of information flowing from your numerology chart.

Challenges, more than any other number, point to aspects of your personality that you have to work on. They represent the first and most obvious obstacles that stand between you and success.


Follow with the Maturity number, but keep in mind that it does not enter a person's life until after the early thirties, after which its influence grows more important with age.

The Maturity number is a kind of secondary Life Path number. It adds specific challenges, as well as abilities, to your life.


Next, read the Karmic Lessons, which reveal weaknesses or undeveloped areas.

Follow with the Hidden Passion, which reveals what you are good at, and what you love to do.

Then move on to the Subconscious Self, which shows how confident and secure you are in the use of your talents and abilities.


The Balance number stands somewhat apart, but is very revealing, particularly when you are off-balance as a result of emotional turmoil. The Balance number reveals your strengths in turbulent times.


The remainder of the chart is made up of the Bridge Number, Cornerstone, Capstone, First Vowel, Rational Thought number, and Planes of Expression.

Each of these areas is well defined in the chart, and is easily identifiable as to the role it plays in your life. Each represents subtle, but important aspects of your personality.



The Four Dimensions of the Chart


The slogan “location, location, location” applies as much to numerology as it does to real estate

Unless you consider where a number is located in your chart, the meaning of the number can easily be misinterpreted and misunderstood.

When you look at your chart, the first thing you notice is… there are a lot of numbers. To the beginner, a chart is the numerology version of alphabet soup: confusing and chaotic. Even professional numerologists tend to look at numbers as stand-alone bits of information. However, numbers link and affect each other similar to the way planets and stars – or particles - orbit each other in predictable patterns.

A chart is not a flat, two-dimensional representation of an individual’s traits and personality. It is three dimensional – no, I take that back – it’s four dimensional. Arranging the information hidden in your numbers begins by grouping them and creating a two-dimensional field - name numbers with name numbers, birth date numbers with birth date numbers, and finally numbers that link the name to the date of birth and vice versa.

A third dimension becomes apparent as some numbers move into the foreground and others slide to the back. The core numbers in your chart (your Life Path, Expression, Heart’s Desire, Personality, and Birth Day) are the most important – they are up front and dominate the field. Other numbers, such as Pinnacles, Challenges, Karmic Lessons and Hidden Passions, float in mid-field. They are important, but are somewhat overshadowed by the big guys. Finally, the Cornerstone, Balance number, Planes of Expression, and others exist more in the background.

But there’s a caveat: sometimes one or more of those numbers muscles its way towards the front. The Balance number, for example, becomes almost as important and influential as any of the core numbers when you are going through a particularly troubling time. This is a good thing, because the aptly named Balance number is, more than any other number in your chart, able to offer some stability and sanity during those times. The Maturity number, hidden all the way in the back during the first 20 to 25 years of your life, gradually moves to the foreground between age 25 and 35 (depending on your Life Path and other numbers).

The Fourth Dimension in Your Numerology Chart

Time, the fourth dimension, is brought to you courtesy of your cycles. We know static numbers in your chart affect each other, but periodic cycles also influence them throughout your life. Your Life Path, the longest cycle in your chart, running from birth to death, is powered in large part by your Period Cycles which, in turn, are made up of nine-year epicycles. A Period cycle is always at least 27 years, producing three complete epicycles.

The next time you read your numerology chart, picture it as a moving, three-dimensional representation of what makes you who you are: a numerology version of a parallel universe; a reflection of you, as real as a photograph, but much more revealing.

With practice, you will learn to read a numerology chart with confidence and clarity.



Or see analysis of famous people, including Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Prince George, and Debbie and Carrie Fisher.


From Numerology Questions - a Dear Hans column:

Kathleen wants to know about the connection between numbers and their location in a chart

She wants to be able read a chart and understand the meaning of the numbers in different locations in the chart.

Dear Hans,

I have your Numerology software and I think of all the Numerologists I have referenced, your interpretations of the numbers are the most accurate. You have excellent analogies!

My question is about interpreting the numbers 1-9 according to placement... For instance, I associate Heart's Desire with what a person "wants,” and the Personality or consonants are how people "SEE” one projects themselves? Am I on the right track here?

Thank you,

Dear Kathy,

As you correctly mentioned, in numerology, the placement of a number found in a personal chart makes all the difference as far as how that number should be interpreted.

Numerology; Key To Your Inner Self: A Complete Guide to Understanding and Using Your Numbers of Destiny, by Hans DecozIn my book "Numerology; Key To Your Inner Self," published by Penguin Putnam, I devoted a whole chapter to this important aspect.

First, it is important to understand the basic structure of a chart. There are three sources of information. In order of importance:

1) All the numbers derived from the date of birth are dynamic and have to do with the path of your development, your growth, your personal evolution, whatever you want to call it. These numbers always affect you during a period of your life which can be anything from 1 day to several decades to, in the case of the Life Path, your whole life from birth to death.

2) The full name at birth. This is where we learn who you are, who is the person walking the aforementioned path; your personal makeup, your personality traits. Call it the blueprint of your personality.

3) Finally, there is the day-by-day name, the first and last name you use when you introduce yourself in a social setting. This tells us how you see yourself, who you think you are, and which of your characteristics have moved to the foreground.

To start from the top, the most strongly felt number in a numerology chart is the Life Path number which is derived from the date of birth.

Not only is it the most important number in the chart, it becomes more dominant as you grow older; you more clearly and obviously reflect the attributes of this number as the years go by.

This is due to its status as a cycle - running from birth to death - as opposed to a static number found in your personality. (Of the many numerologists I have met and/or worked with, this seems to be one of the more obscure facts. Many do not think of it as a cycle, which impedes the ability to properly understand its effect.)

The next number to consider is the Expression number. Based on the sum of the numerical values of all the letters in your full name, this number, more than any other, shows who you are. It is a static number, meaning it doesn't get stronger or weaker over time, although it does move to the foreground and back as cycles with similar or opposing numbers periodically influence its power.

The third most essential number is the Heart's Desire, a.k.a. the Soul Urge. As it is based on the vowels in your full name, this too is a static number. The Heart's Desire number shows what you want out of life, where you find your contentment, your happiness, your comfort zone. For example, are you a social animal or a quiet, homey person.

In fourth place comes the Personality number resulting from the sum of the consonants of your name. This number can be compared to the "face" you show the world. It represents the kind of person you appear to be to others, hence the name Personality or Outer Personality as it often called.

The Birth Day number is the fifth number in this hierarchy. The day of your birth reveals your approach to this life, to its challenges and opportunities. You could call it your attitude, and it too is dynamic.

And finally, although not really considered a core number: the Maturity number. This number is found by adding the Expression number to the Life Path number and does not play much of a role until we reach maturity - approximately the end of the First Pinnacle around age 30.

Its method of calculation merges the dynamic Life Path number with the static Expression number, thereby making it one of the more interesting and enlightening numbers as it reveals how the way we evolve (the Life Path) over the first three decades of life, adjusts our "personality."

Kathy, as a professional numerologist with well over 40 years of experience, I can admit that in my opinion understanding the "hierarchy" of a chart is the most important and the most difficult part of delineating a chart.

It only takes a few weeks or months to learn the meaning of the numbers and how to calculate them. It takes years of practice before you fully realize the affect of the placement of the numbers. And taking into account that this is an in-exact science, the importance of learning that aspect of numerology cannot be underestimated.

Hans Decoz
