Question: about nAME CHANGES

Numerologist and author Hans Decoz

Mona asks about the importance of Name Changes



Hi Hans,

Thank you for letting us to ask you about numerology.

When I was born my name was Monika. My parents changed it to Mona (maiden name). When I got married my name is changed to Mona (married name).

I know a little bit about numerology, so my Expression number is 13/4 (karmic number). I am the most disliked person in my family and social groups. Before my marriage people used to like me, now after my marriage I am not liked by anyone, and my career is going badly.

Is my marriage name responsible for this?



Hi Mona,

A name change can have a big impact on the quality of your life, however, you have some control over its effect, unlike the full name at birth or your date of birth, which can’t be changed.

The name you go by now - your married name - more than anything else reflects the way you see yourself now; how you feel about yourself. Whenever you introduce yourself you represent yourself as the person you feel and think you are. This, of course, is largely subconscious.

Based on your question, you felt better and more comfortable about yourself when you used your previous name, the way you introduced yourself before marriage.

You have a few options. First, of course, you could go back to your maiden name. This can be prblematic, depending on the people around you, the norms of the society you live in, etc. Another option is to go back to your original first name, Monica (instead of Mona). This changes the influence of your current name by adding 3 to your Minor Personality and your Minor Expression, and 9 to your Minor Heart’s Desire.

The most challenging but also most promising option is to change the way you see yourself. All numbers have a front and a back, which means that regardless of the numbers found in your chart, it is up to you to draw from their positive or negative influences. Take a good look at yourself and ask yourself the hard questions: What is the real reason the quality of my life seems to be going down? How much control do I (want to) have?

To some extend we all struggle with such questions and perhaps that is the reason we find ourselves in certain situations; it puts us on a path of self-improvement.

Hans Decoz



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Previously asked and answered questions:

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Age Digit
Power number 77
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Name Change
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Name change (marriage)
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A Troubled Chart
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Name Advisor
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The Boring 4
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Conflicting Cycles
Multi-digit numbers
Numerology Course
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Supporting a 22
16/7 Essence
The 0 (zero)
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