Numerologist and author Hans Decoz

Kaleb has a 22 among his core numbers and wants to know of the other numbers in his chart support it.



Dear Hans,

My core numbers are: Life Path 16/7, Birthday 12, Expression 22, Soul Urge 13/4. In one of your writings, you stated that the success of the 22 is dependent on other numbers in the chart as well as its hierarchical position amongst the core.

My question is what other numbers support the Master Number 22 energy, especially the expression number 22?

Thank you.



Hello Caleb,

A 22 Master number is powerful and has great potential, especially as an Expression number. Even numbers tend to support its energy, while odd numbers may subdue it’s drive somewhat. However, the effect varies based on their locations in a numerology chart.

In your case, your 16/7 Life Path tempers the practical applications of a 22 but increases its intelligence and desire for knowledge. This would, for example, benefit someone interested in science but less so if you’re more business-oriented. As a Life Path number, this influence would increase as you grow older.

Your 13/4 Soul Urge enhances its power since both the 22 and the 13 reduce to 4.

On the other hand, where the 22 tends to see the large picture, the vision, the promise, the 13/4 is quite limited and will hesitate to take on anything it sees as a risk. Since everything the 22 wants to do is almost by definition risky, the 13/4 can frustrate those efforts and cause quite a bit of anxiety.

Considering it’s your Heart’s Desire (also called Soul Urge), overcoming self-doubt and indecisiveness should be high priorities you will need to conquer consciously. Read, think, self-explore those traits – do you recognize them? Do they hold you back? If so, you should make building self-confidence your number one goal.

Your 12/3 Birthday gets in the way of the 22 energy but helps your general attitude as it adds an optimistic flair. However, it also adds that somewhat flaky, irresponsible, and un-focused side of a 3. Since its your Birthday number, it tends to affect mostly the way you approach opportunities, obstacles, and anything else you encounter on your path.

Caleb, your numerology chart, at least the core numbers, create a challenging but also promising combination, where trust and confidence in your abilities is the key to make it work. (Ideally, some strong 1s would be helpful – a 1 Hidden Passion or a 1 Maturity, for example.)

It is also important to look at your cycles (your Essence, Personal Year, and Dualities), as they would be more indicative of when and how the opportunity to tap into that 22 energy and make it produce are optimal. The 1, 4, 8, and 9 are the numbers most supportive of a 22.

Hans Decoz



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