Numerologist and author Hans Decoz

Cathy noticed that you will have a 2 Essence for 28 years and wants to know how strong its influence is.

She wants to know how the Essence and Personal Year cycles affect us.



Dear Hans,

I was calculating my numerology Essence chart and noticed that the number 2 dominates for quite awhile from 28+ years of age. I remember going through my 2 personal year about two years ago. Since then, I have positive and negative emotions about the number 2. What might occur during the years approaching? Does the personal year have more of an effect?

What would you recommend/caution against, if anything?

Thanks for your time,


Generally, only the long-term cycles run for such long periods. You can find yours here and learn how they affect you.

Dear Cathy,

I included your chart with an outline showing the section that is in place for this year.

Numerology chart showing extended Essence cycles

(By the way, you can download our World Numerology App and make these yourself; both the app and the built-in Decoz Charting system are free.)

The vertical column above the highlighted 10 shows the long- and short-term cycles in place for 2010. (The reason there is a slight shift between the upper rows and the three lower rows indicates that the cycles in the upper section run from birthday to birthday, while the lower section cycles run from January 1 through December 31.

You mention in your letter that you are concerned about the 2, because you experienced a 2 Personal Year a couple of years back (2008) and obviously, you have unpleasant memories. However, The effect of a Personal Year cycle is very different from that of an Essence or Transit cycle.

The Personal Year's influence is external, meaning that the affect is largely a result of changing circumstances and your environment, and the challenges and opportunities that offers. Not all that dissimilar from being in a class room where your teacher and other students control the external influences.

The impact of the Essence cycle is internal. In other words, it reveals where you are at, your state of mind, your priorities, your personal wants and dreams and, of course, your doubts and fears.

Think of your Essence cycle as giving an indication what stage in your personal evolution you are in, i.e. the student's state of mind in the aforementioned class room.

So, while you may have experienced a difficult 2 Personal Year, probably due to relationship issues, excessive sensitivity, and emotional imbalance (sometimes resulting in health problems related to the nervous system), a 2 Essence cycle will feel very different as it enhances your awareness, sharpens your intuition, increases your ability to read other people, and improves your overall people skills.

A 2 Essence indicates that you gain a better understanding of who you are in relation to those around you. While the 2 is a gentle and non-confrontational number, when found as an Essence cycle its influence actually makes you stronger and more confident.

The only period that will cause issues similar to what you experienced two years ago, and perhaps even more intense, is the early part of 2017 when you have a 2 duality; a 2 Essence and a 2 Personal Year. On the plus side, you will be better equipped to deal with it due to the six years of 2 Essence "training" prior to that.

By the way, the most transformative time in your life will be from late 2015 to late 2016 when, for the first time in your life, you change both long-term cycles; Pinnacles and Period Cycles.

In your case that includes a lasting relationship commitment, a fairly dramatic personality change making you much more out-going and socially proficient, and a boost in creativity enough to possibly cause a career change.

Hans Decoz



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Previously asked and answered questions:

Personal Years
Recurring Numbers
Age Digit
Power number 77
Middle Name
Name Change
House numbers
Master number 33
Name change (marriage)
Special number sequence
Wedding dates
7 Personal Year
Hurricane names
16/7 Karmic Debt
Master number 22
Seeing same numbers
Life changes
What is numerology
Essence cycle
Doomsday Wedding
Reading a Chart
Chaldean vs Pythagorean
Too many 2s?
Multiple Master numbers
A Troubled Chart
Long-term Relationships
"Y" Vowel or Consonant?
Two Lovers
A Tough Year
Interesting Birth Dates
Career Options
Name Advisor
2010 Winter Solstice
Dates with Master Numbers
Calculate Life Path
Universal cycles
Same number, different outcome
The Boring 4
Pinnacle cycles
Perfection & Synchronicity
Conflicting Cycles
Multi-digit numbers
Numerology Course
Non-English Alphabets
Supporting a 22
16/7 Essence
The 0 (zero)
More Master Numbers
Cycles & Patterns
Numerological DNA
Transits & Dualities
Number 88
