Numerology Birthday Card nr 9 - you should obtain a wide education, especially in the arts. .

You are broad-minded, idealistic, and compassionate

You should obtain a wide education, especially in the arts. You are highly creative. Many great artists are found under this number. Your must come to truly understand life to be of greater service to society.

You have a greater social role to play that will require a blend of the practical and the humanitarian. You must have a keen sense of what will work, but at the same time directing those efforts toward some greater good.

Your challenge is to find a place for yourself that has some direct benefit to others.

The more you can be of service to humanity, the greater will be your personal reward on all levels - from the material to the spiritual.

Children born on the 9th day usually take their time before choosing a profession.

You are socially oriented and have a gift of charm. You are well-liked and even admired by others.

You can relate to people in all walks of life.

You have a broad vision of the world and can see the grand scheme of things, including international politics and great social movements. You express your feelings well, but sometimes can be a bit dramatic. You have a strong interest in philosophy and metaphysics.

Nines tend to attract money from other sources, such as inheritance or a stroke of "luck".

There is an element of sacrifice in the number 9 that demands that you learn forgiveness and unconditional love.

You must avoid negative attachments. Do not hold on to people or situations because you feel that justice has not yet been done, or that someone still owes you something. Your task in life is to truly let the universe judge such situations, and rely on your own forward-moving life path to bring you the necessities and rewards you deserve.


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