All of our numerology programs use the Pythagorean system of numerology. While many discrepancies exist among numerologists and their systems of calculations, we have maintained absolute integrity to the Pythagorean system based on extensive research covering three decades in Europe, Asia, and America.

Every mathematical equation in numerology is based on a logic that is often not immediately obvious. However, once this logic is revealed, we can no longer doubt it's validity. Therefore, to the serious researcher there are certain specific standards. We stayed loyal to these standards with every procedure. Not a single equation used here stands on it's own; each calculation is based on other calculations in intricate ways, always revealing the beauty of patterns and cycles which can be recognized all around us.

Note: The 6 cassette audio course in numerology offered on our site is the only study tool in existence today, that explains the intricate connections between the calculations - the "logic" behind these methods. For more in-depth descriptions of these mathematical procedures, see

If you're using either of the ColorChart programs, see also the section "Color Chart Layout" for a detailed description of where to find each of these numbers.


These programs utilize the full name at birth, the date of birth, and the name you now use to introduce yourself.

Note: When we talk about "reducing a number to a single-digit," we mean adding each of the digits until a single-digit is left. For example, we reduce the number 367 by adding 3 + 6 + 7 = 16. Next, we add 1 + 6 = 7. We have now reduced the number 367 to the single-digit number 7.
Special numbers to be considered with some calculations are "the Master numbers"; these are the numbers 11, 22, and 33. Often, we are required to reduce a multi-digit number (a number consisting of more than one digit, i.e. all numbers larger than 9) to a single-digit or until we encounter a Master number. For example, if we were to reduce the year 1948 to a single-digit or until we encounter a Master number, we find that 1 + 9 + 4 + 8 = 22. The number 22 is a Master number, so we don't reduce that to a single-digit when we wish to analyze a chart. However, because we often have to include the number we found in subsequent calculations, we wish to make a note of the final single digit as well. We therefore write not only the 22, but also the 4. We write 22/4. In other words, the Master numbers 11, 22, and 33, are always written as 11/2, 22/4, and 33/6.

Other "twins", such as 44, 55, 66, etc. have special meanings as well. However, they are not considered Master numbers because they fall outside the triangle of 11, 22, and 33.
Other noteworthy double-digit numbers are Karmic Debt numbers. These numbers are 13, 14, 16, and 19. As with Master numbers, Karmic Debt numbers are written as 13/4, 14/5, 16/7, and 19/1. However, with a Master number, depending on it's location in the chart, we often apply the double-digit number to subsequent calculations. A Karmic Debt number on the other hand, is always reduced to a single-digit when applied to other calculations.

What follows are short descriptions of how each number in the chart is calculated.


The Life Path number is calculated in one of three slightly different ways, depending on your Preference setting of method A, B, or C. Each method is described below.

Life Path, method A

In method A, we first reduce each unit (month/day/year) of the birth date to a single-digit or a Master number. Next, we add each of the resulting digits (or Master numbers) together and again reduce the total to a single-digit or a Master number.

Example: May 15, 1949.
The month of birth is May, the 5th month.
The day of birth is 15. We reduce 15 to 6 (1 + 5 = 6).
The year of birth is 1949. We reduce 1949 to 1 + 9 + 4 + 9 = 23. 2 + 3 = 5.
We now add the resulting single digits.

month = 5
day = 6
year = 5
total = 16. 1 + 6 = 7. Since this is a Karmic debt number, we write it as 16/7.
The Life Path number is 7.

Example: November 22, 1911.
November is the 11th month. The 11 is a Master number and is not reduced. However, we will write this as 11/2.
The 22nd day is also a Master number: 22. We write 22/4.
The year 1911 reduces to 12, which reduces to 3.
month = 11 (notice that we do not reduce the Master number)
day = 22

year = 3
total = 36.
We reduce 36 to 9. The Life Path is 9.

Life Path, method B

In this method, we first add together the birth month, day, and year. This sum is then reduced to a one- or two-digit number. Thus, our first example above would be calculated as follows:
month = 5
day = 15
year = 1949
total = 1969
This reduces to 1+9+6+9 = 25. The Life Path number is 25/7.

Life Path, method C

In this method, we first add together all the individual digits of the birth month, day, and year. The resulting sum is the Life Path, with no further reduction. Thus, our first example above would be calculated as 5+1+5+1+9+4+9 = 34. The Life Path number is 34/7.


Period Cycles are long-term cycles based on the month, day, and year of birth.
Your First Period Cycle is your month of birth. In the example of October 12, 1936, the 10 for October is reduced to 1.
Your Second Period Cycle is your day of birth reduced to a single-digit or until a Master number is encountered. In our example the 12th day computes to a 3 Second Period Cycle.
Your Third Period Cycle is your year of birth reduced to a single-digit or until a Master number is encountered. In our example, 1936 reduces to 1.

Interestingly, your Life Path number, which is often considered the most important number in your chart is actually a cycle: one which runs from birth to death. This cycle, in turn, is based on three shorter cycles: your Period Cycles.
As mentioned before, there is a logical basis to each of these calculations. Here is an example of this logic. The reason the Life Path is calculated as described above, is that the foundation of your Life Path is in fact the sum of your three Period Cycles. In other words, your First Period Cycle, plus your Second or Middle Period Cycle, plus your Third or Last Period Cycle equals your Life Path Cycle.

Some numerologists calculate a Life Path number simply by adding all the digits in a date of birth. For example, 10/12/1936 would be 1 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 3 + 6 = 23. 2 + 3 = 5. The logic is missing here and so is the Karmic Debt number 16, which we did not encounter using this system.
Another method sometimes used is by adding the month, the day, and the year together. As in 10 + 12 + 1936 = 1958. 1958 reduces to 23 which reduces to 5. Again, neither the logic nor the Karmic Debt number are found by this method.


This is one of the few areas where we subtract.
The First Challenge results from deducting the single digits sums of the month of birth from the day of birth or vice versa. In our example of October 12, 1936 we reduced each of these units to single digits; namely 1, 3, and 1. To find the First Challenge, we deduct 1 from 3 = 2.
The Second Challenge results from deducting the single-digit sums of the day of birth from the year of birth or vice versa. In our example, we again deduct 1 from 3 = 2.

The Third and main Challenge is found by deducting the First and Second Challenge or vice versa. In our example, 2 - 2 = 0. Note: the 0 Challenge is very common.
The Fourth Challenge is found by deducting the month of birth from the year of birth. In our example, we deduct 1 from 1, which again is 0.
In short:
1st Challenge equals the difference between the single-digit sums of the month and day of birth.
2nd Challenge equals the difference between the single-digit sums of the day and year of birth.

3rd Challenge equals the difference between the 1st and 2nd Challenge.
4th Challenge equals the difference between the single-digit sums of the month and year of birth.
Note: In calculating the Challenges, always reduce the Master numbers to single digits.


The Pinnacles are long-term cycles based on your date of birth. The 1st Pinnacle is the sum of your month of birth (reduced) and the day of birth (also reduced). Reduce the total to a single-digit or Master number.

The 2nd Pinnacle results from adding the day of birth and the year of birth.
The3rd Pinnacle is the sum of the 1st and 2nd Pinnacles.
The 4th Pinnacle is found by adding the month and year of birth.


The Expression number is based on the full name at birth. Master numbers apply.
The Expression number is found as follows:
Each letter in the alphabet has a numerology value. A=1, B=2, C=3, and so on until we reach the letter "I" which is 9. At this point we start over: J=1, K=2, L=3, etc until we reach R=9, and we start again: S=1, T=2, and so forth. We translate all the letters of the name into numbers.

Next, we add the numbers of each name and reduce the sum to a single-digit number.
Next we add the resulting single digits and again reduce to a single-digit. This is the Expression number.

HEART'S DESIRE NUMBER (sometimes called "Soul Urge")

The Heart's Desire number is based on the full name at birth. Master numbers apply.
The Heart's Desire number is found as follows:
Add only the vowels of each name and reduce to a single-digit.Next, add the resulting single digits and reduce to a single-digit. This is the Heart's Desire number.

PERSONALITY NUMBER (sometimes called "Outer Personality")

Add only the consonants of each name and reduce to a single-digit.Next, add the resulting numbers and reduce to a single-digit.


The Balance number is found by adding the numerology value of the initials of the full name at birth and reducing it to a single digit, or until a Master number is encountered.
Example: In John Peter Hancock, the initials of J, P, and H, translate to 1, 7, and 8, which add to 16, which adds to 7 (the 16, being a Karmic Debt number, is written as 16/7).


The Maturity number is the sum of the Life Path and the Expression number, reduced to a single digit or a Master number.


The Minor Expression number is based on the current name, the name you now use to introduce yourself including your last name. Using this name, the Minor Expression number is calculated similarly to the Expression number.


The Minor Heart's Desire number is based on the vowels of the current name. Using this name, the Minor Heart's Desire number is calculated similarly to the Heart's Desire number.


The Minor Personality number is based on the consonants of the current name, and is calculated similarly to the Personality number.


The Karmic Lessons are found by checking which numbers are missing among the letters in the full name at birth. You can have none, one, or several Karmic Lessons.


The Hidden Passion number is found in the same way, this time by looking for the number which is most often represented in the full name at birth. You can have more than one Hidden Passion numbers.


The sum of the letters of the first name (of the full name at birth) is called the "Key." Add the Key to the day of birth to calculate the Rational Thought number. Master numbers apply.


The calculations involved in computing the Planes of Expression are complex. We don't have the space and resources to put here all the information related to this aspect of the numerology chart. For more information, please see the book "Numerology; Key To Your Inner Self: A Complete Guide to Understanding and Using Your Numbers of Destiny."

All the letters in the full name at birth are used. The letters of the alphabet can be divided in four groups: physical, mental, emotional, and intuitive. In addition, they can also be creative, grounded, or vacillating. The letters of the full name at birth are grouped according to these distinctions. The number of letters found among each of these groups indicates how "physical" or "intuitive" a person is.


The Subconscious Self is derived from the same 9-square chart used for the Karmic Lessons and Hidden Passions. The Subconscious Self is calculated by deducting the number of Karmic Lessons found in the chart, from the number 9. The Subconscious Self reflects the self-confidence and the ability to overcome obstacles within the individual.


The Key is calculated by adding the numerology value of all the numbers found in the first name of the full name at birth, and reducing the total to a single digit.
The Capstone is the numerology value of the last letter of the first name.
The Cornerstone is the numerology value of the first letter of the first name at birth.


Yearly Cycles - Personal Years & Months

Each Personal Year Cycle is calculated by adding the month of birth, the day of birth, and the year for which we are computing the cycle. We then reduce the result to a single digit. Master numbers are also reduced to single digits. For example, consider a person born May 12 (of any year). His/her Personal Year cycle for for, let's say, 1999, is 5 (May) + 3 (1 + 2, the day of birth) + 1 (1999 reduces to 1) = 9

Each Personal Month Cycle is calculated by adding the current month to the Personal Year number and reducing the result to a single digit.

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