Yearly Numerology Forecast

Professional Version

All reports created with our Decoz Numerology ~ Online Program are white-labeled.
The names Hans Decoz or World Numerology do not show on the covers or anywhere in the content

The Most Accurate, Detailed Numerology Forecast Available.

1-Year Numerology Forecast, includes monthly numerology predictions.

Your personal Numerology Forecast reveals the energy and influences you will encounter this year, preparing you for the unexpected changes life can bring.

Dualities (the influence of overlapping cycles) are also included – unique to Decoz forecasts.


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Professional Price: $2.95 / 22-24 pages - Usually retails between $19.95 and $24.95

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All reports created with our Decoz Numerology ~ Online Program are white-labeled.

The name Hans Decoz does not show on the covers or anywhere in the content



About this Reading

There are other numerology forecasts available and many of those are found on a range of websites offering Hans Decoz' older version, first launched in 1987, long before the Internet.

Between 2012 and 2016 Decoz revised his Yearly Forecasts, to include the effect and influence of overlapping cycles. This had never been done before and is unique to his readings.

His monthly forecasts, included in this reading, also deserve special mention. Whereas other sites offer only a forecast for that Personal Month number, Decoz' reports make a clear and detailed distinction between Personal Month cycles depending on their yearly number. For example, a 7 Month will affect you differently when it falls in a 2 Year, as opposed to a 3 Year, or a 4 Year, or any other year. By differentiating between monthly cycles, based on their yearly cycle, his forecasts are considerably more personal and specific to you.

What makes Decoz' readings stand apart from others, is the depth, detail, and specific insight offered in the reports, due to his relentless dedication and refusal to cut corners.


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