Numerologist and author Hans Decoz

Matt asks about reducing Master numbers during calculations and suggests I include a toggle feature in my software.



Hi Hans,

Love your software, have a suggestion. Numerology, like astrology is an intuitive science.

For example, reducing every name before adding them together lessons the chance of finding master numbers. That is one piece of the software I feel needs a toggle feature.

For example, I was born Matthew B … (no middle name) but have gone by Matt B … for as long as l remember. If I don’t reduce Matt or B … before adding them up, I end up with 33, 11, 22. But if I do reduce them, I get 6, 2, and 4. I am living both the master numbers and the single digits.

Not so much a question as an intuition-based suggestion, lol!

Best regards,


Hi Matt,

There are reasons why we reduce each name before adding them. The patterns that underly the science of numerology have a beautiful logic built in that may escape us if we are not paying close attention. Allow me to explain.

Your name is like your DNA – it’s who you are.

But it grows and matures as time goes by and in perfect synchronicity with your Transit cycles. Transit cycles are derived from your full name. Your first name is the Physical Transit. Your last name is your Spiritual Transit.

These are two different cycles that affect you in different ways but are a big part of the reason you change and grow physically, mentally, and spiritually as you get older. It is the influence of these two Transit cycles that influence in large part the way your "DNA." Therefore the names should always be handled separately when calculating core numbers or at any other time - this preserves the patterns on which numerology is based.

Another good example is the way we calculate the Life Path.

Matt, there are many ways we can find Master numbers in our charts by playing around with the methods of calculation. If clarity is what you are after, my advice is to follow the age-old well-established algorithms. They alone reveal your true numerological DNA.

Hans Decoz



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Previously asked and answered questions:

Personal Years
Recurring Numbers
Age Digit
Power number 77
Middle Name
Name Change
House numbers
Master number 33
Name change (marriage)
Special number sequence
Wedding dates
7 Personal Year
Hurricane names
16/7 Karmic Debt
Master number 22
Seeing same numbers
Life changes
What is numerology
Essence cycle
Doomsday Wedding
Reading a Chart
Chaldean vs Pythagorean
Too many 2s?
Multiple Master numbers
A Troubled Chart
Long-term Relationships
"Y" Vowel or Consonant?
Two Lovers
A Tough Year
Interesting Birth Dates
Career Options
Name Advisor
2010 Winter Solstice
Dates with Master Numbers
Calculate Life Path
Universal cycles
Same number, different outcome
The Boring 4
Pinnacle cycles
Perfection & Synchronicity
Conflicting Cycles
Multi-digit numbers
Numerology Course
Non-English Alphabets
Supporting a 22
16/7 Essence
The 0 (zero)
More Master Numbers
Cycles & Patterns
Numerological DNA
Transits & Dualities
Number 88
