world numerology app
for iphone/ipad/Android/pc/mac


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Numerology App for PC-Windows by DecozWorld Numerology Collection II app for MAC Numerology App for Android by Decoz Numerology App for iPhone by Decoz Numerology App for iPad by Decoz

Primary Subscription
$14.25 USD (Reg. $19)

Includes your Personality Profile and Yearly Forecast

Enter the email address you used to register the app
Enter the username you want the subscription for. (To find your users' names, click Switch User to see the list of people added to your app.)

Full Subscription
$29.25 USD (Reg. $39)

Includes all 18 personal readings & charts

Enter the email address you used to register the app
Enter the username you want the subscription for. (To find your users' names, click Switch User to see the list of people added to your app.)

Subscriptions are for one year, per person.


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