The Age Digit cycle's effect on you can be quite powerful.

Enter your first name and date of birth to learn what your current Age Digit is, and how it affects you.

Numerology's Age Digit Cycle is not often used and recognized.


Your Age Digit is a yearly cycle that points to your attitude, approach, energy level, sense of security -- or lack thereof -- etc., and thereby tends to influence the way you deal with what your other cycles bring to the foreground.

The result can be positive or negative, depending, in large part, on the nature of your Personal Year and Essence cycles.

Numerology's underlying logic becomes obvious when you take a closer look at the calculation methods

While your Age Digits run in tandem with your Personal Year cycles, the Age Digits cycle is five odd numbers followed by four even numbers, then 5 odd numbers, etc. (as in: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 2, 4, 6, 8, and back to 1, 3, 5, and so forth), while your Personal Year cycles are one odd number, then an even number, then an odd number, then even (as in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and back to 1, 2, 3 ... etc.).

Add to that the fact that even numbers tend to be more realistic and practical, while odd numbers are idealistic and somewhat impractical, you can see how your Personal Year numbers are balanced out throughout your life by the practicality or impracticality of your Age Digit.

You can calculate your Age Digit as follows: Add your age before this years birthday to your age after your birthday this year and reduce to a single digit.

For example, if your age before your birthday is 22 and after your birthday 23, add 22+23=45. Reduce to a single digit by adding 4+5=9.

Yearly Numerology Forecast readingWe offer a Yearly Forecast that includes your long-term cycles for life, your PersonaL year, Essence, and Transit cycles for the current year and the next, and your Monthly Forecast for the current month and the next 12 months.

We also offer a nine-year forecast.

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From Numerology Questions - a Dear Hans column:

Madison asked a question about the Age Digit

She wants to know what is means, how it affects us, and how it is calculated.

Hi Hans,

I read your article about Age Digits. My birthday is 16/.... so I believe that makes my age digit 9 currently. Does this only apply to this year or does it run from birthday to birthday? I also wanted to know what my age digit for next year means in relation to my yearly cycle?

Thank you!

Hi Madison:

The Age Digit cycle always runs concurrent with the calendar year, and yes, yours is 9 for the year 2018. Your Age Digit is calculated by adding your age before your birthday to your age after your birthday, then reducing it to a single digit number. (Master numbers and Karmic Debt numbers don’t apply to Age Digits.)

In your case, you were 22 and 23 respectively, adding to (22+23) 45, which reduces to (4+5) 9.
Next year, starting in January, your Age Digit chances to a 2, as you will be 23 and 24 during 2019. These add to 47, which reduces to 11, then further reduces to 2.

For your information, you don’t have to calculate your Age Digits. Just enter your date of birth above to get to find out. It will also tell you it’s meaning.

Hans Decoz


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