Numerologist and author Hans Decoz

Ikshan wants to know how to learn the numerology meaning of multi-digit numbers - three or even more digits.



Ikshan from Indonesia asks: How about the interpretation for numbers higher than 99? Like 104 and 124.

Thank you.


Hi Ikshan,

Multi-digit numbers generally are reduced to single-digit numbers, unless they add to a Master number. (There are three Master numbers, 11, 22, and 33. You can learn more about Master numbers here…) They are interpreted based on their single-digit value.

However, sometimes we want to take a closer look at a multi-digit number, for example when we wish to analyze a calendar year in order to forecast its influence. I recently wrote a forecast for 2019 and in order to get a detailed, in-depth look, I analyze the whole number, but even then, the dominating influence is the single-digit to which it is reduced.

Here is how a multi-digit number should be analyzed:

Hans Decoz



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Recurring Numbers
Age Digit
Power number 77
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Name Change
House numbers
Master number 33
Name change (marriage)
Special number sequence
Wedding dates
7 Personal Year
Hurricane names
16/7 Karmic Debt
Master number 22
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Essence cycle
Doomsday Wedding
Reading a Chart
Chaldean vs Pythagorean
Too many 2s?
Multiple Master numbers
A Troubled Chart
Long-term Relationships
"Y" Vowel or Consonant?
Two Lovers
A Tough Year
Interesting Birth Dates
Career Options
Name Advisor
2010 Winter Solstice
Dates with Master Numbers
Calculate Life Path
Universal cycles
Same number, different outcome
The Boring 4
Pinnacle cycles
Perfection & Synchronicity
Conflicting Cycles
Multi-digit numbers
Numerology Course
Non-English Alphabets
Supporting a 22
16/7 Essence
The 0 (zero)
More Master Numbers
Cycles & Patterns
Numerological DNA
Transits & Dualities
Number 88
